Mind Blind Podcast - Cindy Teevens

People feel frustrated, stuck in the same recurring patterns, despite all their efforts with self help or spiritual work.

Mind Blind is a journey into the hidden cause of the human condition.

We explore the human experience, and quest for meaning and happiness, to uncover the reason we suffer, because…

“We are at the brink of extinction—and the edge of enlightenment.” ~ Cindy Teevens

In Mind Blind, host Cindy Teevens takes you on a journey to uncover the mechanisms that shape our illusions—so we can finally see the truth behind them.

“What a  superb podcast!! I’m so grateful to you Cindy for introducing me to these wise and very helpful bodhisatvas, yourself included.
What you and they espouse is so real and so true and so simple and yet so elusive. I  very much appreciate what you and what they are teaching . I’ve been practicing Buddhist meditation for some 40 years now and these insights are by far the most precious gifts that one could ever be made aware of.

Please keep up your good work and accept my deepest appreciation for what you are doing.

Yours in deep gratitude and love,”

Ken Bowles
Cambridge, MA USA  Â

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With powerful insights and practical tools, this podcast helps you transform the way you think, feel, and live.

What's really going on here?

Why do humans suffer? Why do we create wars—within ourselves and with others?

Philosophers don't know what's going on. Psychology hasn't solved it, and science hasn't resolved it.

Some people are experiencing bliss for no reason, while others are suffering for no reason.

Could everyone experience that joy?

Are we missing something BIG?

Explore the factors which led to our personal and global dysfunction, and brought us to this precarious and painful condition.

Join us as we uncover the mechanisms of illusion and the profound power we humans unknowingly exert upon our own experience and sense of reality.

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” ~ William Shakespeare

Discover human-made illusions that create the power and influence each of us wields upon each other—consciously or unconsciously.

Engage the powers of your own body-mind experience for insight, so you can begin to transform yourself and the world, from the inside out.

Experience the eye-opening, life changing stories in this adventurous podcast.

And finally,

Is there anything that you can actually do for yourself that will also help change humanity's collision course with itself?

Cindy Teevens invites you to be the scientist of yourself and find out with her in Mind Blind, as we explore together how our own brilliance has brought us to the brink of extinction–and the edge of enlightenment.


No theory, no belief, no religion, no conspiracy, and no B.S.

Woo-woo free spirituality meets reality as one and the same.
We keep it real.

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Cindy's suffering was suddenly swapped for love and joy. Months later, love exploded with the end of the imaginary separation of self and other, and all she could do was laugh at the cosmic joke. Now she helps seekers realize the fundamental truth that sets them free forever. Cindy is known as the spiritual faciltiator, who keeps it real.

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